Sustainable development

CMOC's Community Policy is applicable to all of the Group's operations. We are committed to conducting activities in a manner that promotes positive and open relationships with local communities and supports the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We continue our engagement with and investment in communities affected by our mining operations, using multiple channels to collect their feedback and concerns. We develop infrastructure, support health, safety, and education efforts, and provide local employment and business development opportunities. Our goal is to build such relationships at all levels of community, from local to national, by making long-term positive contributions and effectively mitigating adverse impacts from our operations. Stakeholder relations across the international portfolio are guided by community development plans, which are formulated after evaluating the expectations and needs of communities. At our NPM, Brazilian, and DRC operations, stakeholder communications, social risk and impact management, community priorities, and community investment plans guide our external engagement efforts. At our Chinese site, the national priorities of the government also play a role in driving community relations and associated investments. In all cases, stakeholder engagement is based on mutual trust, transparent dialog, and the effective mitigation of impact coupled with the enhancement of positive effects from mine operations. CMOC understands that these aspects are material to the success of our mining business.

Community relations programs at CMOC's international sites are guided by local laws and regulations and seek alignment with international good practice frameworks such as the Performance Standard 5 of the International Finance Corporation and Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) of the Responsible Minerals Initiative. Social engagement and community investment activities may also be governed by commitments made through the process of environmental and social impact assessments or their equivalents under national regulations.

CMOC's investment approach is based on priority community needs and includes direct investment, contributions to community foundations, and participation in government as well as private sector-led initiatives. Our community investments are also centered around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a particular focus on goals 1 (No poverty), 2 (Zero hunger), 3 (Good health and well-being), 4 (Quality education), 5 (Gender equality), 6 (Clean water and sanitation), 7 (Affordable and clean energy), 8 (Decent work and economic growth), and 9 (Industry, innovation, and infrastructure). Investments are typically made in the broad categories of education, healthcare, economic development, infrastructure, the environment, and resettlement.

In 2022, CMOC invested a total of RMB 290.4 million (eq. US$43.5 million) in community projects.