Sustainable development

Health, safety and environment

Health and safety

Reflecting our commitment to safe operations, CMOC’s health and safety management systems integrate risk-based processes and regulatory compliance measures designed to prevent personal safety and occupational hazard events. In 2019, CMOC developed the Health, Safety and Environment Policy applicable to the whole group.

Safety performance at CMOC is measured according to established benchmarks, such as our Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR). In 2019 CMOC’s TRIR per 1,000,000 hours worked was 1.62, based on 45,164,947 hours worked and 70 recordable incidents, better than the industrial average level. The LTIR per 1,000,000 hours worked was 0.32 based on 14 lost time injuries. In 2019 there were no fatalities at any of our mining sites.

The complex and unique working environment of the mining industry can potentially put employees at risk of occupational illness. Therefore, we strive to help employees to stay both physically and mentally healthy by creating a safe working environment, carrying out health promotion and disease prevention programs, organizing various after-work activities, and enriching employees’ lives in other aspects. At all sites we also pay for employees’ basic medical insurance.


CMOC reviewed in 2019 and updated in February 2020 its Environmental policy applicable to the entire group. Environmental aspects figure prominently among the issues of material importance to CMOC, including tailings management, closure planning and reclamation, water management, biological diversity, energy, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air quality. As a global mining company, CMOC must manage these issues while meeting the challenges of the different climatic, physical, biological and human environments where we operate. CMOC is committed to complying with environmental laws and regulations applicable to our operations. In addition, we manage the extent of our environmental impact through risk-based approaches to material issues, regulatory compliance and meeting standards. Every year, we invest in initiatives to improve production efficiencies and manage environmental risks. As a leading international mining company, we undertake our activities with a focus on our environmental obligations.

All of our operations maintain mature Environmental Management Systems (EMS) certified to ISO 14001 standards. These management systems are independently audited at each operating site for recertification and include required training of all employees and contractors on environmental objectives and procedures.