Responsible Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management in Mining Business

The Company considers environmental and social risks in its supply chain when there is a need to source input materials and services to support operations. CMOC's sustainability policies serve as requirements for supplier management systems across all operations, covering matters such as health and safety, human rights, anti-corruption, codes of conduct, employment practices, environmental management, and community relations. All operations develop and improve procedures and systems for managing business partners in accordance with risk exposure.

CMOC's global operations encourage the preferential use of local suppliers to promote local employment and economic development. The Company continues to promote local economic development, with a particular focus on growing small and medium-sized enterprises within the community, using various means such as tax contributions, community investment, and local invitations to tender.

Supply Chain Management in Trading Business

As an international company involved in the global trading of metal commodities, IXM operates in full recognition of the risks associated with the minerals and metals supply chain and incorporates ESG considerations into its business decisions to mitigate risks and meet stakeholder expectations. IXM is committed to ethical and responsible business practices in its supply chain and has established a responsible sourcing management system in line with international good practice described in the OECD Guidance and the Joint Due Diligence Standard for Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc (“JDDS”). IXM also adopts the RRA issued by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), which provides a comprehensive due diligence framework across all relevant ESG areas. 

