CMOC is committed to the responsible use and management of resources and the minimization of waste generation. We recognize the value of responsible stewardship of these elements to our business and the communities in which we operate. We continue to promote energy transition and resource recycling across our operations.
Ore mining and processing operations are water intensive. As such, we have bolstered water management at each of our mining sites. In 2023, we consumed a total of 180 million cubic meters of water, 79.9% of which was recycled water. Our water use intensity was 3.191 m³/tonne processed.
We have established a target goal where 83% of total water usage is recycled water by 2025. We will continue to encourage water-saving practices and reduce water use intensity per unit of treatment capacity, and reduce new water intake. At each operation site, a host of water management measures have been implemented to that end, including the construction of water storage facilities, the installation of water recycling systems, along with streamlined management and technology innovations aimed at improved utilization of water resource.
Large-scale mining and metallurgy require significant amounts of energy. We obtain energy directly through the burning of coal, diesel, natural gas, and biofuels, as well as indirectly through purchased electricity generated by hydropower, thermal power, and from renewable sources. In addition, our mining areas take advantage of every feasible opportunity to improve their energy security and safeguard the availability of affordable and reliable energy by increasing their energy efficiency and using more renewable and low-carbon energy. Concurrently, our mining sites also seek to enhance the energy efficiency of equipment used in the production process so as to reduce energy consumption.
In 2023, our total energy consumption was 5,800,000 MWh, with a total energy intensity of 0.103 MWh/tonne processed. That total energy consumption was 49.9% direct energy consumption and 50.1% indirect energy. Of our direct energy consumption, 72.2% was from diesel fuel and 8.3% from renewable energy. Additionally, 73.3% of our indirect energy consumption came from renewable energy sources such as hydropower and solar power.
Under the Company's expansion planning, our energy goal is to use more energy-efficient production methods to reduce energy intensity per unit of processed ore. We will ensure that at least 40% of our overall energy consumption is sourced from renewable source by 2025, both by promoting the use of clean energy sources such as solar and hydropower, and by the optimization of our mining machinery. In 2023, renewable sources accounted for 41.4% of overall energy consumption, well ahead of the Company's target.
Large-scale mining and metallurgy require significant amounts of energy. We obtain energy directly through the burning of diesel, natural gas, and biofuels, as well as indirectly through purchased electricity generated by hydropower, the burning of coal and natural gas, and from renewable sources. In addition, our mining areas take advantage of every feasible opportunity to improve their energy security and safeguard the availability of affordable and reliable energy by increasing their energy efficiency and using more renewable and low-carbon energy.
Large-scale mining and metallurgy require significant amounts of energy. We obtain energy directly through the burning of diesel, natural gas, and biofuels, as well as indirectly through purchased electricity generated by hydropower, the burning of coal and natural gas, and from renewable sources. In addition, our mining areas take advantage of every feasible opportunity to improve their energy security and safeguard the availability of affordable and reliable energy by increasing their energy efficiency and using more renewable and low-carbon energy.
Under the company's expansion plan, our energy goal is to use more energy-efficient production methods to reduce energy intensity per unit of processed ore. We will ensure that at least 40% of our overall energy consumption is sourced from renewables by 2025, both by promoting the use of clean energy sources such as solar and hydropower, and by retrofitting our mining machinery.
In 2022, renewable sources accounted for 38.8% of overall energy consumption.