Business operations

China - molybdenum and tungsten

Operating molybdenum and tungsten mine in China

CMOC is one of the top five molybdenum producers and one of the largest tungsten producers in the world, focusing on mining, beneficiation, smelting and deep processing of molybdenum and tungsten and related scientific research. It boasts a business system that integrates upstream and downstream operations including mining, beneficiation, smelting, and chemical engineering of molybdenum and tungsten. It mainly produces ferromolybdenum, ammonium paratungstate (ATP), and tungsten concentrate, while recycling byproducts including copper, rhenium, fluorite, and iron. In 2019, CMOC produced 14,918 tonnes of molybdenum and 10,722 tonnes of tungsten.

Recent highlights: 


  • High-quality resource reserves: Sandaozhuang molybdenum mine, Shangfanggou molybdenum mine;
  • Continuous optimization of productive structure based on strong and comprehensive recovery capacity of polymetallic associated resources: relaunching Shangfanggou molybdenum iron mine, making full use of the existing beneficiation capacity; cultivating new profit growth opportunity by recovering associated iron resources;
  • Being a leader in technology and innovation: our Chinese operation is the first in the world to introduce 5G technology to autonomous mining equipment and a pioneer in deploying electric mining trucks, which reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs by more than 50% compared to diesel-powered trucks under the same conditions;
  • Based on our research of the tungsten market and positive view on its long-term prospect, the Company acquired 28,300 tons of APT through judicial auction, increasing our tungsten reserves and reinforcing our leading position in the sector. 

         To learn more about our molybdenum and tungsten business in China, please visit: